How to find us

For those who search the best option how to get to Trnava, we prepared a little guide. If you are travelling by air you might like the following information. The closest airports are located in Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest. To get to Trnava from any of these cities is easy both by train and by bus. There is a direct connection from Vienna about twice a day, and it takes no more than two hours. Travelling from Budapest, you will have to transfer. There are frequent and regular connections from Slovakia capital city - Bratislava. If you travel by bus try to avoid the typical morning and afternoon traffic jams. The trip takes less than an hour.

Do you prefer a train? Trnava can be easily reached from almost any place in Slovakia. The city is part of the railway network, Bratislava - Žilina - Košice, which is a major route in the Slovak Republic. Another important route goes to Kúty, where the southern railway line extends from here to the Czech Republic. Railway and bus stations are next to each other and it is easy to reach the centre.

Those of you who have a car can choose two routes to Trnava: the motorway or the "old way". The D1 motorway is the primary route leading from Bratislava to Trnava, Žilina, Prešov and Košice. This is the fastest way and after half an hour you can already enjoy a coffee in the city centre. Otherwise you can take the „old road“ which takes about twice as much time behind the wheel, but you get to know the surrounding towns. You will proceed towards Senec, then follow the signs towards Blatné, further you can visit Báhoň and you will pass along Cífer. Now that you have all the information above, we hope nothing will prevent you from visiting our beautiful city.

Foto: Jana Gmitterová, Blažej Vittek



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